IAAP Oklahoma City Chapter

Meeting Minutes

Fire Mountain Grill

13220 N. Pennsylvania Avenue

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

May 11, 2006



The regular meeting of the Oklahoma City Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals was held at the Fire Mountain Grill, 13220 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on May 11, 2006. 2005-2006 President

Katy Brodbeck called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. There were 22 members present and 2 guests, Sandy Tabio from the Arkansas-Oklahoma (A-O) Division and Marsha Bryan CPS/CAP from the American Fidelity Chapter, for a total of 24 in attendance. 


Members Present:


Denise Brewer CPS

Paula Geisinger

Cynthia Roach

Katy Brodbeck

Carol Haymans CPS/CAP

Chriss Shofner

Laura Burgert

Debbie Horton

Tena Slaughter

Christine Cecil

Kristy Johnson

Carol Thomas

Cheryl Cook CPS/CAP, MS

Deanne Kinimaka

Marilyn Ware

Lacey Courtney

Jennifer Markham

Linda Williams CPS/CAP

Jeannie Dubois

Debi McClellan


Teresa Flurry

Debi Moore




A.         Invocation

Carol Thomas gave the invocation.


B.        Introduction of Officers and Guests

2005-2006 President Katy Brodbeck welcomed all everyone and introduced Sandy Tabio, A-O Division Vice President/Membership. Sandy was asked to explain a little to the membership about the bylaws and their importance to our organization.


Sandy Tabio is a very knowledgeable IAAP member, especially in regard to bylaws. In her own humorous way, she compared the bylaws to our skeletal system—they are what hold our IAAP together. She was able to explain to us the importance of using the bylaws and amendments in our votes and how these may be applied, such as in our nomination of Cheryl Cook CPS/CAP as President-Elect of the A-O Division.


C.        Nomination for A-O Division President-Elect

Christine Cecil brought forth the nomination of Cheryl Cook CPS/CAP as our candidate for President-Elect of the A-O Division. Since there were no others to be nominated, a voice vote was taken. Cheryl was unanimously nominated. She will now compete with members from other chapters throughout the A-O Division at the Annual Division Meeting, June 9-11, at Beaver’s Bend, Oklahoma. Good luck, Cheryl.


D.        2006-2007 Officer Nominations

2nd Vice President Christine Cecil introduced the nominees for officer for our 2006-2007 Oklahoma City Chapter Board: Teresa Flurry, President-Elect; Denise Brewer CPS, Secretary; Jennifer Markham, Treasurer; Debi Moore, 2nd Vice President (Programs); and Lacey Courtney, 1st Vice President (Membership). Judi Ellis, 2005-2006 President-Elect, (absent due to illness) will become the 2006-2007 President.


Since there were no new nominations, each of these nominees was elected by unanimous vote of the membership. They will be installed as our 2006-2007 Oklahoma City Chapter officers at our next meeting, June 8.


E.         Committee/Board Reports


Membership Report:  1st Vice President Lacey Courtney gave a report that we currently have 71 members, having lost 2 members this month.


F.         Name Tag Drawing

Our name tag drawing winner, Carol Thomas, will receive $5.00 off her next meeting meal.


G.        Evaluation Drawing 

Jennifer Markham was the announced winner of the evaluation drawing from the March meeting and received her prize.


Be sure to complete the evaluation form at your table, sign it, and leave it on your table. We want to hear your comments and you may be rewarded by having your name drawn and winning a prize.


H.        Announcements

President Katy Brodbeck announced the opening of a management trainee position that is listed on the website.


Katy also reminded the membership of the 2006-2007 incoming board reception this evening at the County Line Restaurant—everyone is invited to this come-and-go event.


Katy asked the members who if they were able to partake of any of the webcasts that IAAP have made available to us—just another perk of being an IAAP member. Christine Cecil commented on how well it was presented and how valuable the information was to her. These webcasts are available for up to 48 hours after the webcast and can be downloaded for later viewing.


Katy said that she was asked to remind the membership of the 20th annual Red Earth Festival that begins on Friday, June 2 and continues through the weekend. The festival is kicked off with a parade and numerous activities, including arts and crafts, are held during the weekend. This festival represents over 100 tribes. For more information, check with Katy Brodbeck or online under Red Earth Festival.


Our next chapter meeting (officer installation) will be on June 8, 2006, at the Fire Mountain Grill, 13220 N. Penn, and the Board will meet on May 23, 2006.


Just a reminder: All members are invited to the Chapter Board Meetings—no one is excluded. If you need further information regarding location, please contact one of the officers.


The service basket was passed by Carol Haymans CPS/CAP.


I.          Adjournment

President Katy Brodbeck adjourned the meeting at 1:10 p.m.



Minutes submitted by:


Carol Haymans CPS/CAP



Recording Secretary








Approved by:


Katy Brodbeck


